
招收硕士及博士生:本研究室欢迎其他大学或硕士的学生。 共同致力于跨越光、物质、和生命的跨学科研究。 如果您有兴趣対我们的研究或者想参观研究室的話、请随时联系 吉川洋史教授。如果您想成为博士后研究员,也请联系 吉川洋史教授。
关键词:激光器, 激光, 光测量, 结晶化, 显微镜, 有机材料, 生物工程学。
研究主题示例 1:利用激光技术造成创新材料和元件
研究主题示例 2:疾病和其发育的生物光力学

- 【New Publication】
“Simultaneous visualization of membrane fluidity and morphology defines adhesion signatures of cancer cells” is published in PNAS. Our group developed an advanced optical microscope (reflection interference microscopy combined with fluorescence microscopy) for the simultaneous visualization of membrane fluidity and morphology to define cell adhesion signatures such as cancer cell malignancy.
- 【New Publication】
“Cell polarity linked to gravity sensing is generated by LZY translocation from statoliths to the plasma membrane” is published in Science. Yoshikawa group contributed to the laser manipulation of organelles (amyloplasts) in plant tissues, which act as gravity sensors via molecular signaling of LZY proteins.
・【New Publication】
“Spatiotemporal Control of Ice Crystallization in Supercooled Water via an Ultrashort Laser Impulse” is published in J Phys Chem Lett. This paper is selected as Supplementary Cover Art and featured in Chemistry World.
You can watch various movies of laser-induced ice crystallization such as (1)Water(real-time), (2)Water (milliseconds), (3)Water (microseconds), (4) Sucrose solution (milliseconds).